Strenson group

Ride for Sick Kids 2024 Spin Challenge

We're fundraising for...

We're pushing ourselves and participating in the 10 hour cycling challenge in February.

We're fundraising for Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania because they keep families together when children are sick in hospital, often far away from their homes. Whether battling cancer, heart conditions, prematurity or other chronic illnesses, RMHC VIC & TAS provides the comfort, care and kindness their families need to thrive.

Families like Maddy and Baby York. Since birth, one-year-old York has had three heart surgeries so far in his life, so the family have spent lots of time in Ronald McDonald House North Fitzroy and Parkville - over 200 nights! With Baby York in the NICU for over 100 nights, having a home-away-from-home close by was priceless for the family to be near their seriously ill child.  

So please sponsor our cycle so that more families like Maddy and Baby York can keep close when it matters most.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Bart And Cazz


Caroline Stremski


Tim Cade


Josh Valvo


Christian Polyhronidis


Roni Silverstein

i’m so unbelievably proud of you


Sally Hiddlestone

Well done Frazer


Nick Aparo


William Kirkman


Mum 💞

So proud of you Will 🥰


Oscar Stremski


Hannah Netto

Go Team Strenson !


Md Islam


Chris And Marlene Haggett

Amazing work as always guys xoxo


Frazer Hiddlestone


Ishan Nambiar

Good luck will have fun!!! 😁😁




Jeanette Duturbure

From Gran and Pop


Daddy Kirky

Great work Will ! Ride fast & long 🚴🏻


Maria Barrett

great work love nonna and badger


Hannah Netto

Yay team Strenson!


Dion Papasotiriou

Great cause!!


Archie Callander


Push Singh


Heath Harbottle


Marli Wilson


Dominic Burns




Grace Saldanha


Bronte Kirkman




Silvana D

Have fun ! Pls share good pics xx





Holly Connelllu


Edward Sinclair



Go Oscar!!!





Alysha Whitehouse


Alysha Whitehouse

get involved 💪


Will Pidduck

Thanks Oscar, still owe you that drink.


Justyce Kaaho


Jamieson Ly


Jeffery Ly


Hailey Keo


Alicia Tay